Tell us your Ivana stories.

She has touched so many of us in a profound way. We're looking forward to reading and sharing your memories. Her girls - Tara and Masha - will cherish these in time to come. As you send them, we will update this section.

We are deeply thankful. You can use the form or reach out directly.
(212) 203 5942

From Brian Cunningham

Tara and Masha, Your mom was my first boss, and I owe her a great deal. While she was incredibly smart and talented, I will always remember how genuinely kind she was. She was thoughtful, and always showed how much she cared about the people that she worked with and their families. But the thing which I will remember most is how important her daughters were to her. Tara and Masha, you were truly the shining lights in her life, and you were there with her every day that she was at work. She had pictures of you displayed prominently on her desk (in front of a stack of math/finance textbooks) and as the background on her computer screen. She never missed an opportunity to tell me about you and how you were growing up. Two and a half years ago, when I shared with her that I was going to become a dad myself, her face lit up and she said becoming a parent would be the most rewarding experience of my life (because for her, that was certainly true). So while I have many memories of work related projects with your mom, I will truly remember her kindness, consideration and how much she loved her family- especially the two of you. She was a very special person who fought a courageous and inspiring battle against a terrible disease. I will miss her very much, but I am a much better person for having known her.

From Zlata Gleason

Dear Tara and Masha, your mom was the most amazing person ever. She loved you so much, and she was so excited when you both were in her belly. She told me how much she wanted to have girls, who would grow up together as sisters, and how much she loved having a sister. She and used to joke that you two and our kids were little "banda" (meaning gang) who would grow up to cause trouble but also to take over the world, with your drive, personality, humor, tenaciousness and smarts. I think you two got all of those qualities from your mom (your dad too of course) and she was so proud of you. Tara - you never wanted to go ice skating when you were younger and I was there for your first lessons when your mom bribed you with candy, toys, playdates, movies, Ipads, more candy and more toys... so that you would go to your skating lessons in NYC. We tried bringing Benjo along but he didn't help much as he was not happy to go along. So eventually, I think candy and toys and playdates worked because you loved skating and wanted to go back. And then you became so good at it, and your mom was so proud of you. It made her so happy to see you both thrive and grow into confident, amazing people that you are. Masho - your mom started buying you fancy dresses from a very young age, and she recognized your talents for style, dance and drama early on. She would tell me countless stories about all the funny things you would say, whether be jokes about kasha or Masha and the Bear episodes. She loved to watch you sing and dance, and she would always send us pictures of you dancing, in your ballet outfit. She wanted the world to be your oyster and she believed in you so much and knew that you could do anything you wanted to do. You are both reflection of your mom, and have so much of her in you. I see your mom's kindness, intelligence, drive, wittiness in both of you. I cannot wait to tell you more stories about your mom as you grow up. She won't be happy if I spill her college secrets but when the time is right, I will have to share them and I hope that she will forgive me hopefully. It is hard to not have enough time together but the time that was had, was filled with so much love, and I know that the love your mom gave you and felt for you will be there for you forever. You will feel it no matter where you go in life, because she will be there with you in your heart, and there will be signs in your life that she is still there, present, watching over you every step of the way. We love you so much.

From Ken Reiser

Deepest condolences on Ivana’s passing. My name is Ken Reiser and I was one of Ivana’s coworkers at Bank of America. We worked together for several years and what always stuck out to me about Ivana was her joy and happy personality even in less than ideal work situations. She was understanding and practiced patience with her technology coworkers (and as one of them) who often deserved more harsh criticism. I’m truly so very sorry for your family’s loss. I can truly say this hurts. Life is too short and I will think back on my shared work experience with Ivana fondly. I will try to practice the patience, understanding and upbeat happiness that I often got to see at work.

From Shane Yang

Tara and Masha, Your mom was my first boss and my mentor. She was a perfectionist at work, always aiming for 100% and accepting nothing less. But no hard work could deter her positive attitude and playful nature. Her work is full of colorful tables, fancy charts, and funny pictures, a huge contrast to the dull corporate format most of us live and breathe. You can tell if it is her work from miles away. Her well-tuned color schemes and star-shaped add-in buttons kept me accompanied through some grueling times. Masha, we never met but I was there when your mom was pregnant with you. All pregnancies are hard but your mom had a particularly difficult time with you. Her feet were all swollen and she couldn’t stand for long. Ivana was adored by people around her for her kindness and generosity. We cared a great deal about her and wanted to help. We made sure she had a chair to sit in wherever she went and even strategised about rolling her in and out of conference rooms in a chair so she didn’t need to stand. Several months later, seeing the picture of you in her arms made us all very happy. Tara, we met once. Years ago the team had to put in some extra hours over the weekend and you came to visit us in the office. You sit on Ivana’s lap and blocked her from working. You asked your mom’s boss why your mom had to work on a Saturday. That made everyone laugh but it stung Ivana a little. I think she was afraid that you took those words to heart and you were too young to understand how much she wanted to spend more time with you and the family. It was never a question for her, work vs family. For her, it was family all along. Your mom has been on my mind for the past years as my own family struggled with sickness. Seeing how the mind and the body crumble under sickness, I started to grasp how hard she fought every day and you are the reason why she never gave up. If you ever watch the movie Flipped, Ivana is iridescent and wherever she went, she left a trail of color.

From Lotte Schlegel

Ivana and I were roommates during our first semester at Wellesley College. One memory that still makes me smile was Ivana working late one night on a complex math problem: she was holding an orange and drawing lines and equations on it. She loved math and lived with it in a way that inspired me - she was able to explain what it all meant in a way that made sense even to me ;) She was a great roommate at a time of a lot of change and adjustment. While we have not stayed in touch over the years I remember her stories of her family and little sister Anna, and imagine how much she must love being the mother of daughters. I hope you will find comfort in your memories of her brilliant mind and her love.

From Seila Selimovic

Dear Tara, dear Masha: In this immeasurable grief I find some solace in seeing how many traits of your wonderful, beautiful mother continue to live on in you two. Tara, I'm sure you know how much you resemble Ivana and Masho, you seem to have her spunky spirit. More importantly, I can see that her kindness, her full embrace of life, her great love for her family and friends have shaped you already. Tara, I saw your mom on a trip to Provincetown just a few short weeks before you were born. She was so happy and thrilled to welcome you in this world. She loved you deeply even before your birth. Masho, your mom was, too, so looking forward to welcoming you - you made the family complete. My favorite memory of Ivana was her and your dad visiting me in Boston shortly after their wedding, and tease each other about the names they were going to give their first baby. I heard the name "Tara" as a top contender then - and I could already imagine what an amazing mom Ivana would be. Know, too, that your mom was the best friend I could have asked for. I could always confide in her, knowing she would lend me her ear, offer her best advice, and always be supporting me. Your mom is watching over you and keeping you safe. Sending you all my love.

From David Goulding

Tara and Masha, I was the head of the group that Ivana was in from 2011 until she left on maternity leave to have Masha. She was a fantastic person with far more patience than I ever had for teaching new people in the group, was very fast to understand things, and had a great eye for detail. She was also very fun to be around and could be quite mischievous in a good way. I recall once myself and Ivana conspiring at work to have Tara ask uncle Milos to build a dolls house just to see Milos’s face when he had to build it. I was on the receiving end as well though, Ivana and a colleague were trying to figure out who my wife was when she was working on the same trading floor as us, Ivana would tease me day after day on how she was going to find out, though in the end it was just teasing and she respected me and didn’t try to find out. When I worked with her she very much talked of Tara and like many parents of a 2 or 3 year old, including myself, would express her love and frustration of bringing up Tara, though it was clear Ivana was very proud of Tara. I greatly will miss Ivana but I will always remember fondly the time I worked with her.

From Alex Moudiappanadin

Tara, Masha, Rados, We haven't met or maybe once when you came to the office but I feel like I know you after seeing so many pictures whether it was vacation or simply ice skating. Who is my Ivana? I'll remember her as a beautiful laugh, a contagious smile, a very smart colleague, a very kind friend, an amazing person. I sat next to her only for about a year but it meant a lot to me. I indeed joined a new team and we would often work long hours (I know you are well aware) but thanks to her, it was at least bearable to be away from the family. We would share our kids and family photos and talked about our week-end plans...but most importantly we would have long and passionate debate on almost anything (it would always start with Djokovic vs Federer or France/Croatia 2018 final, don't know why ^_^!) She fought very courageously a hard battle for so many years but never complained about it, she focused on what was truly important to her: her family! To me, she was life and will always cherish and be grateful for the moments we shared.

From Maxwell Meren (Maxx)

Tara and Masha, I had the privilege of working a row and a half away from your mom and right next to your uncle Milos (thanks to your mom) for most of my 20s. We shared many laughs over the years, and I learned so much from your mother especially how important it is to really listen to someone (a skill I'm still working on). A few years ago, your mom and I snuck out of work for a sit down lunch where she helped me through some life decisions where she gave me the advice to put family first and the rest will work out (she was right). Your mom was an incredible fighter. Not just through illness but through her entire life. The world is so much brighter having you two girls in it - carrying that DNA that made your mom your mom - intelligent, kind, passionate, funny, and an incredible fighter. There is a large community of people that your mom has left a lasting impression on and we will all be here for you girls throughout you life.

From Zi Dong Fan

Dear Tara and Masha,
Your mom brought a burst of joy and generosity wherever she went. We went to college at Wellesley together and while we spent many nights doing math or computer science problem sets, it was so much fun to be with her and she shared many childhood stories. I'm sure she and your dad have passed down their math brilliance to you both. After coming to New York City, Ivana referred me to my job at Merrill. We again reunited over many fun lunches by the Hudson River, tea and dessert at Financier, and outings either at her home where she made pancakes or pizza or outdoors like ice skating at Central Park. As an only child, she was like an older sister to me, from providing dating advice to which trip to go on for business school. While we've all lost a piece of her in this world, I'm sure she will always be watching you and is so proud of you. You are also surrounded by many loved ones and we will always be here to support you. XOXO.

From Danielle Laich

Tara and Masha,
Your mom is one of the most beautiful women that I have ever met. I am so lucky that our paths crossed. I was instantly drawn to her when we first met in 2009 after the Bank of America/Merrill merger, and we quickly became friends. She was so easy to talk to, and helped me through so many of my life challenges. No matter the amount of work stress we had, your mom was always in high spirits, quick to make a joke. Her joy was infectious and I always liked being around her. It was amazing to watch how much she loved everyone around her, and truly wanted the best for everyone. Come to think of it, I don't think there was anyone she didn't like. She spoke very highly of the two of you and will often regale us with stories of you two. Her face would light up when I would ask her about either of you. It was clear that she found a lot of happiness in being your mom. She touched my life in so many ways and I learned so much from her. I will miss her very much.

From Catherine Abrahamson

Dear Tara and Masha,
I am so sorry for your loss. I attended Wellesley with Ivana and met her through our mutual friend Seila Selimovic. Although our paths did not cross often, I enjoyed her company. The last time I saw Ivana was in 2009 during our 5-year college reunion. The photo I uploaded to the gallery is from that reunion weekend when Ivana and I stayed at Seila's apartment. As you can see, she's smiling which is how I remember her. I will be thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. Sincerely, Catherine - Wellesley Class of 2004